[Frames/iFrames] 3/06/2012
Traditional Frames
It is possible to turn Notepad .otl files into a fully functional equivalent using frames although this approach is now somewhat out-of-favour.
However, it works very well but does require 4 files in total as follows:
file://F:\BackUpDriveH\FRAMES\web_frames.html which is a containing file for the frames:
file://F:\BackUpDriveH\FRAMES\titlebar.html which is the header
file://F:\BackUpDriveH\FRAMES\sidebar.html which is the LHS navigation panel and
file://F:\BackUpDriveH\NOTETAB\mycontent.html which is the file derived from Notepad's Modify->Document to HTML->With Paragraph Tages
(Some judicious editing of this may have to take place for tidying up purposes - once created, it can be 'added to' quite easily.)
This approach is newer and more consistent with current standards. The approach rests in one file which has a Left Navigation panel and then a
WebPages panel, both using traditional floats and careful calculation of pixels - see comment at end of file for figures.
The main exemplar is file://F:\BackUpDriveH\NOTETAB\f2css.html and this can be used as a basic model. Note that the 'guts' is a one line
of HTML in the contents section as follows:
These parameters are obvious i.e. position from the top, left,width and height, border and a name.
The simple file file://F:\BackUpDriveH\NOTETAB\start.html is just a way of getting simple instructions into the output pane by default.
Notice also how the Navigation (list items) call this e.g.
11. Paint
(Some previous development versions are file://F:\BackUpDriveH\NOTETAB\f2css4.html and file://F:\BackUpDriveH\NOTETAB\f2css3.html (better!)
The file file://F:\BackUpDriveH\NOTETAB\mycontent.html is fed into to supply the results to the output pane.
Two versions are written : a universal 960px (webframes_960.html) and a maximum 1344 version (webframes_max.html), as well as protected counterparts with a p suffix
Treepad (free) version will accept NoteTab .otl files after conversion and the paid for version (Trepad Safe)
will write (kludgey!) framework files after conversion. They use the files F:\BackUpFriveH\NOTETAB\TREEPAD\w_page.hjt (free version)
and F:\BackUpFriveH\NOTETAB\TREEPAD\web_page.hjt
The finished article is on the web at http://kesland.info/mch/web_frames.html (pw: Come ........,Maud!)
Footnote: 'One complete file' version is now to to be found at: F://BackUpDriveH/NOTETAB/webframes_mx2.html
A definitive article(and code) is here: